Part of the Oxford Instruments Group
Science Prizes

The Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize for North America and Latin America

Celebrating innovation in young scientists in North America and Latin America

The objective of this Science Prize is to promote and recognise the novel work of young scientists conducting research employing low temperature, high magnetic fields or surface science research in North America and Latin America.

The Lee Osheroff Richardson consists of:

  • $8,000 cash prize

  • A certificate and trophy

  • Support to attend the APS March Meeting 2025.

Nominations are now OPEN

Please submit your nominations to:

Lee Osheroff Richardson

The Lee Osheroff Richardson Science Prize for North America and Latin America is named after David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff and Robert C. Richardson who were joint winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1996, for their discovery of superfluidity in ³He.

They conducted the Nobel prize winning research in the early 1970's in the low temperature laboratory at Cornell University using apparatus they had built to produce sample temperatures within a few thousandths of a degree of absolute zero. Their findings proved that the helium isotope ³He can be made superfluid at a temperature only about two thousandths of a degree above absolute zero. The discovery initiated intensive research on the special characteristics of the new quantum liquid. Lee, Osheroff and Richardson have also received, among other awards, the Sir Francis Simon Memorial Prize 1976 (Institute of Physics UK), and the Oliver E. Buckley Solid State Physics Prize 1980 (American Physical Society); for the discovery of superfluidity in ³He.

Oxford Instruments would like to thank David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff and Robert C. Richardson for permission to name the prize after them.

The 2024 LOR Science Prize Winner 

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Tiancheng Song of Princeton University has been selected as the winner of the 2024 Lee Osheroff Richardson (LOR) Science Prize. Learn more about Dr. Tiancheng Song here.

Dr. Tiancheng Song

“I feel very encouraged that my works have been recognized by the committee. This becomes even more encouraging because I am joining the ranks of famous scientists who have won this prize for their groundbreaking experiments and achievements. Being awarded a prize that is named after three Nobel Prize laureates in physics is also a special honour to me.”

2024 LOR Prize Winner

Find out more

Committee Members

Prize Comittee Chairman: 

Professor Laura Greene, NHMFL and FSU 

Prize committee members:

Professor Hae-Young Kee, Toronto University

Professor Collin Broholm, Johns Hopkins University

Paula Giraldo-Gallo, University of Los Ande

Dr. Xiaomeng Liu, Princeton University (2023 winner)

Previous Lee Osheroff Richardson Prize Winners

Dr Hamidian’s award-winning contributions to condensed matter physics have focused on strongly correlated electronic materials and atomic-scale visualisation methods of electronic structure using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM).

2016 Prize Winner: Dr Mohammad Hamidian

Dr Dean is recognised for his definitive measurement of the Hofstadter butterfly by combining novel techniques in nanoscale fabrication of graphene-based devices with ultra high magnetic fields, that provided the first experimental verification of this problem.

2015 Prize Winner: Dr Cory R. Dean

Dr Tarantini of NHMFL is known for a wide-ranging studies of high field superconductors focusing on paths to practical material forms useful for high field magnets.

2014 Prize Winner: Dr Chiara Tarantini

Dr Li's contributions include studies of magnetically ordered and superconducting oxide interfaces, phase transitions between Dirac electron states in elemental Bismuth, and Nernst effect and high resolution magnetisation studies of fluctuating vortex states.

2013 Prize Winner: Dr Lu Li

Dr Burch was awarded for the novel mechnical exfoliation studies of both high temperature superconductors and topological insulators, combined with optical studies of related highly correlated electron materials, which have been most impressive.

2012 Prize Winner: Dr Kenneth Burch

Dr Jing Xia was awarded for his work on topologically ordered condensed matter systems at low temperature and high magnetic fields.

2011 Prize Winner: Dr Jing Xia

Dr Zapf is recognised for making the definitive experimental verification of the applicability of the Bose-Einstein condensation universality class, to magnetic field-induced phases in quantum magnets, through novel experimental techniques at ultra-low temperatures.

2010 Prize Winner: Dr Vivien Zapf

Dr Eunseong Kim was awarded for his seminal contributions to the understanding of solid helium and discovery of non-Debye behaviour, that energised the field of quantum solids, spurred the interest of the condensed matter physics community and captured the fascination of all.

2008 Prize Winner: Dr Eunseong Kim

Dr Suchitra Sebastian is recognised for outstanding contributions to the understanding of Bose condensation phenomena in quantum magnets.

2007 Prize Winner: Dr Suchitra Sebastian

Dr Petta was awarded for his work at the forefront of quantum device research employing low temperature techniques and for taking the control of quantum bits to a new level, indicating a clear path forward, towards viable quantum information processing in the solid state.

2006 Prize Winner: Dr Jason Petta

Dr Lupien worked at the forefront of experimental low temperature metals physics. His work resulted in groundbreaking low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy measurements which elucidated the nature of a new charge ordered state in a transition metal oxychloride.

2005 Prize Winner: Dr Christian Lupien