The fourth stop on our University Roadshow is Dresden on Wednesday 15th July, 3.00 - 5.00 pm CET.
Thomas completed his Diploma in Physics and his PhD in Experimental Physics at Bayreuth University, Germany. He has completed PostDoc work at Bayreuth University DFG-Graduiertenkolleg, Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin and Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. His scientific focus is on magnetic properties, transport and ordering phenomena in complex matter and superconducting and magnetic material properties of micro- and nanoscale systems.
Artur Erbe received his Diploma degree (1997) and his PhD degree (2001) in Physics both from the LMU Munich. He is now head of the group transport in nanostructures at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. Prior to joining HZDR he has been Post-Doc at Bell Laboratories and lead a research group at Konstanz University. His research interests include molecular electronics, charge transport in 1d- and 2d-systems, and nanomechanics.
Clifford Hicks gained his B.Sc. in Physics, California Institute of Technology in 2000 followed by a PhD from Stanford University in 2009. He has completed post-doctoral work at the University of St Andrews, UK and Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden. He is currently Group Leader at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, as well as a Reader at the University of Birmingham.
James Robinson graduated with a Materials Science degree from Oxford University. He has a background in Plasma Technology prior to joining Oxford Instruments Nanoscience as a Product Manager for the company’s ultra low temperature systems. Responsible for the new Proteox® system, James has developed a vast knowledge of it’s usability and unique features that makes it an ideal alternative tool for the low temperature research.
Dr Thomas Herrmannsdörfer, Head of High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
The Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) is a user facility which provides external and in-house researchers with possibility to perform challenging experiments at extreme sample conditions, such as fields up to about 100 T. The HLD is continuously engaged in the development of novel magnets and experimental techniques which are specifically adapted for the use at highest magnetic fields and in a broad temperature range down to millikelvin temperatures. The HLD focuses on modern materials research. In particular, quantum condensed matter with novel electronic or magnetic properties is our central research area. As a science example for this talk, we present magnetization data of spin ice compounds (e.g. Ho2Ti2O7) taken at very low temperatures and fields up to the feasibility limits.
Dr Arthur Erbe, Head of Transport in Nanostructures / Device Processing / NanoNet, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Here we present electrical measurements on 1d nanowires and 2d semiconductors, which are performed at various temperatures in order to identify the charge transport mechanisms in these structures. Hall measurements are used to characterize the charge density of the materials at different temperatures. We also show how the influence of thermal vibrations can be used to determine the nature of the charge transport.
Dr Clifford Hicks, Group leader – Physics of Quantum Materials, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden
The unconventional metal Sr2RuO4 is one of the most intensively studied materials in condensed matter physics. And yet, in spite of extraordinarily detailed knowledge about its normal state, the origin of its superconductivity remains unknown, which represents a major challenge to theories of unconventional superconductivity. Very substantial progress has been made in recent years however through the introduction of piezoelectric-driven uniaxial stress apparatus. Using this tool, the lattice can be continuously distorted, allowing study not just of the unstressed system but a continuously-connected set of closely related compounds. We have achieved elastic compressions of almost 2%. At 0.4% compression, one of the Fermi surfaces of Sr2RuO4 undergoes a topological transition, which results in a dramatic enhancement of the superconductivity.
James Robinson, Product Manager, Oxford Instruments
This webinar provides an overview of the new Proteox dilution refrigerator from Oxford Instruments, highlighting the key features and suitability for many quantum computing and qubit scale-up applications. The Proteox system is an essential tool for low temperature researchers, providing advanced research capability. It enables a step change in Cryofree system modularity, designed for enhanced adaptability, reliability and increased experimental capacity. If you are dealing with low temperature experiments, don’t miss this webinar.
Our technical and commercial teams will be here on the event page throughout the roadshow for live chat to answer any questions about our systems.