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Q&A with Dr Shuqiu Wang, winner of the 2024 Nicholas Kurti Science Prize

Every year, it is our pleasure to announce the winner of the Nicholas Kurti Science Prize for Europe. This year, we are honoured to present the award to Dr Shuqiu Wang, who is currently leading the University of Bristol’s new Visualizing Quantum Matter Research Lab. Dr Wang’s ground-breaking research in p-wave topological superconductors, developing dilution refrigerator scanning tunnelling microscopes, high-temperature superconductors reflects the research we champion - both through the systems we offer and through the Science Prizes we sponsor around the globe. It is a key feature of all these Science Prizes that they are awarded by an independent panel of esteemed physicists, and thus the winners are truly being recognised and selected by leaders in their own research community.

Reading through her numerous accomplishments and unprecedented research, we couldn’t help but feel inspired - not least by her work with dilution refrigerators and developing low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopes. Scanning probe microscopy at millikelvin temperatures, using a dilution fridge, is "pinnacle" research performed by a select number of groups around the world to develop and apply the technique. A perfect example of “using physics to do physics”.

We spoke with Dr Wang about her research, what it means to have won the Nicholas Kurti Science Prize and what the future holds for her work. You can find out more about her research, the work with her newest Research Lab at the University of Bristol, and past publications on her website, Wang Lab of Quantum Matter.

How does it feel to have won the Nicholas Kurti Science Prize?

Winning the Nicholas Kurti Science Prize is a significant honour. Receiving an award named after Kurti, one of my greatest scientific heroes and a pioneer in ultra-low temperature physics and high magnetic fields is wonderful.

My research focuses on visualising emergent quantum states at the atomic scale at millikelvin temperatures and high magnetic fields, so I feel honoured to carry forward the legacy of a scientific legend. I am also very grateful to Oxford Instruments for establishing this award promoting and recognising the scientific excellence and innovation of young scientists.

Receiving the award while setting up my new lab was definitely a special moment. I was assembling my cryostat, tightening the bolts and nuts, when I received the news announcing my win. This award marks the first recognition of my work in instrumentation, complementing the broad recognition of my scientific contributions. The prize validates both the scientific and engineering aspects of experimental physics and it has recognised our meticulous endeavour to develop sophisticated instruments and our careful, focused approach to frontier science.

Winning the award also makes me feel empowered when looking ahead at the future prospects of my scientific career, especially in light of the great achievements of past recipients.

Can you tell us more about the research you submitted?

The research for which this prize was awarded focuses on three subjects: quantum microscope development, high-temperature superconductors and intrinsic p-wave topological superconductors.

Firstly, I developed a dilution refrigerator (using Oxford Instruments NanoScience’s Kelvinox insert) Spectroscopic Imaging Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (SI-STM) in our state-of-the art ultra-low-vibration laboratories. Starting from scratch in an empty lab, I designed the cryostat components using the physics of cryogenics and thermodynamics. In the end, I developed a low-temperature quantum microscope to discover new states of matter.

Next, I made two discoveries in the cuprate high-temperature superconductors. The first is the detection of an orbital ordering phase in the high-Tc cuprates - a long-sought after state characterised by the splitting of charge transfer energy levels between two oxygen orbitals within a single CuO2 unit cell. The second discovery is the identification of a pair density wave in the pseudogap phase of the cuprate above Tc. By employing quasiparticle interference and developing a new model for the pair density wave state, I found the signature of a pair density wave in the normal state pseudogap phase of the cuprate.

Finally, I transferred my expertise and knowledge in unconventional superconductivity to the field of intrinsic p-wave topological superconductivity. The spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 is one of the most exciting and important new quantum materials discovered recently and is a candidate intrinsic topological superconductor. It potentially hosts many new quantum states of matter. Our international research team discovered the first spin-triplet pair density wave in the heavy fermion compound UTe2, which was a major breakthrough as this quantum state had never been discovered. Next, we developed a new model to quantify the Andreev tunnelling into a spin-triplet superconductor in search of its topological superconducting properties.

Is there a particular part of your research of which you are especially proud?

I am especially proud that I developed a new quantum microscope to search for new quantum states. Nowadays, many exotic states of matter in quantum materials remain undiscovered, primarily due to the lack of specialised instruments required for their detection. However, I embraced this technical challenge. By developing such a specialised instrument and techniques, I can directly visualise the interplay of electrons and their quantum mechanical processes inside complex quantum materials. My approach has made it possible to uncover new quantum states that would be otherwise impossible to be detected in commercial STMs.

What’s next for your research?

I am in the process of establishing my new Visualizing Quantum Matter Research Lab at the University of Bristol and setting up our microscope there. My scientific goal is to focus on two main research topics and use STM to detect their quantum states at the atomic scale. The first scientific area is to search for intrinsic topological superconductivity in unconventional superconductors such as heavy fermions. We will develop and employ new STM techniques to visualise the quantum states in candidate topological superconductors at low temperatures and at the atomic scale.

The second area is to understand the competing states and the microscopic mechanisms of unconventional superconductivity in the strongly correlated systems. Although many interesting quantum states have been found in these strongly correlated superconductors, the fundamental quantum mechanisms in these systems are not yet fully understood. To address this scientific challenge, we will employ spectroscopic imaging to investigate the interplay of the quantum states, aiming to decipher the electron correlations in these complex compounds.

Any final thoughts?

Research is fun and challenging, like a rollercoaster ride. It is risky and demands a lot of perseverance, persistence and courage. Fortunately I have had the privilege of working with many brilliant scientists throughout this journey from whom I have learned a lot. I am deeply grateful to my advisors and colleagues, whose guidance and teamwork have been invaluable.

Dr Shuqiu Wang

Nicholas Kurti Science Prize 2024 Winner

"Winning the award also makes me feel empowered when looking ahead at the future prospects of my scientific career, especially in light of the great achievements of past recipients."

"I developed a dilution refrigerator (using Oxford Instruments NanoScience’s Kelvinox insert) Spectroscopic Imaging Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (SI-STM) in our state-of-the art ultra-low-vibration laboratories."

"I am especially proud that I developed a new quantum microscope to search for new quantum states."

"Research is fun and challenging, like a rollercoaster ride. It is risky and demands a lot of perseverance, persistence and courage."