Related to: Quantum Technology
Understand the fundamental properties of your 3D, 2D and 1D materials, from chemistry to electron transport
A 3He sample-in-vacuum insert system compatible with 4He variable temperature inserts.
A magneto-optical Cryofree® superconducting magnet system.
A cryogenic programmable intelligent temperature controller.
A wide range of superconducting magnet systems up to 22 T, cooled by liquid helium.
A superconducting intelligent magnet power supply.
Nanonis Tramea™ is a measurement system ideal for quantum transport measurements. In conjunction with our world-leading cryogenic research tools, it offers fast, multi-channel measurements…
An integrated Cryofree® superconducting magnet system with variable temperature inserts. Standard magnetic fields up to 14 T in a compact geometry Integrated variable temperature…
A dilution refrigerator insert system providing top-loading of the sample directly into mixture, integrated into a low-loss helium cryostat
A ³He sample-in-vacuum dipstick insert system compatible with wet cryostats.
A dipstick-style dilution refrigerator insert system using Joule-Thomson condensation and compatible with wet or dry cryostats
A dilution refrigerator insert system compatible with wet cryostats
The IntegraAC range of recondensing helium systems has been developed to significantly reduce the consumption of liquid helium by recondensing helium gas evaporated within the system,…
A dilution refrigerator insert system with enhanced experimental access, integrated into a low-loss helium cryostat