Related to: Energy Generation & Storage
Analysis of battery materials and fuel cells
A ³He sample-in-vacuum dipstick insert system compatible with wet cryostats.
A dilution refrigerator insert system with enhanced experimental access, integrated into a low-loss helium cryostat
A 3He sample-in-vacuum insert system compatible with 4He variable temperature inserts.
A superconducting intelligent magnet power supply.
Nanonis Tramea™ is a measurement system ideal for quantum transport measurements. In conjunction with our world-leading cryogenic research tools, it offers fast, multi-channel measurements…
A cryogenic programmable intelligent temperature controller.
An integrated Cryofree® superconducting magnet system with variable temperature inserts. Standard magnetic fields up to 14 T in a compact geometry Integrated variable temperature…
A dilution refrigerator insert system providing top-loading of the sample directly into mixture, integrated into a low-loss helium cryostat
A dilution refrigerator insert system compatible with wet cryostats
A dipstick-style dilution refrigerator insert system using Joule-Thomson condensation and compatible with wet or dry cryostats